Apply to College of Education

Undergraduate majors:

Admission Requirements:

*Post-Baccalaureate degree:

Admission Requirements:

For Music classes - In case of proficiency are not met, additional course work may be required as advised.

Admission - only one admission per year.

Step 1:

Complete COE online application before the deadline (See right image)


Step 2:

Sign-up a time for Music Education Interview. Date(s) will be announced during the 2nd week of the fall semester.


Step 3: 

Come for the Music Education Interview,

Bring 40-hour field work file to the Music Education Interview.


*Extra tip: For students who are interested in our music education post- baccalaureate program, please register as an post-baccalaureate unclassified graduate student before the interviews.

Post-Baccalaureate Unclassified (PBU) link

Confused? Email Dr. Loong